Monday Motivation Post

I’m in personal need of a motivation boost, so I figure I’d write it out here to get caught back up again on posts.

Dude, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Instead, start doing the things you know you need to do. It’s that easy. You know all the right things to do. You have all the tools. Just go out there and start being a better man.

I know how easy it is to lay in bed. I know going for a run isn’t easy and will cause soreness. It might be cold out there and I’ll have to deal with it. Deep down I know which choice is better and I have to have the courage to go do it.

I think part of the problem is letting myself make excuses. At the end of the day, the only thing stopping me from doing that I want in life is me. If I want it, then I need to make it happen. No exceptions.

I’ve been too soft on myself recently and it’s showing. This writing challenge was a nice kick to the gonads to let me know I can do more. Like a lot more. But it won’t be easy, and I need to remember that. The good in life never comes easily, and anything worth having is worth fighting for. So, time to get busy again and refocus.

And finally, remember why you’re doing this. Remember all the hard work you’ve put in to get here and all the people that have helped you. Never forget your blessings and life will seem so much brighter in the long run.

I think that’s all for now, just wanted to get some of this on paper to look back on later.

As always, thanks for reading. Rock on, stay strong



